Use your creative potential to make money with ETSY

šŸ”„ State-licensed 8-week Etsy business program , led by EdÄ«te Klidzējas, one of the most successful Etsy entrepreneurs in Latvia. Get personal help for 8 weeks from a mentor, the miniAkselerator team, and fellow trainers. You can learn video lectures and training materials at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want, materials available for 12 months , 24/7šŸ¤©

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Apmācību dalībnieki iegūs

ZināŔanas no Latvijas TOP Etsy uzņēmējas ar vairāk kā 10 gadu pieredzi pa tematiem sadalÄ«tā 15 stundu video lekciju materiālā
SecÄ«gus un skaidrus rÄ«cÄ«bas soļus veiksmÄ«ga veikala izveidoÅ”anai skaidru mājasdarbuĀ veidā
DalÄ«bu savstarpēji atbalstoŔā Etsy cīņubiedru čata grupā
Iespēju uzdot jautājumus JÅ«su lektorei 8 nedēļu garumā un prezentēt savu veikalu divās Zoom tikÅ”anās reizēs
2 atsauksmes no lektores gan par jaunizveidoto veikalu, gan par produkta konkurētspēju

Graduate reviews

Etsy miniAccelerator offers

Enrollment fee - 399ā‚¬
Learning platform - 12 month access
8 week access to mentorship
Enrollment fee - 399ā‚¬

30-day money-back guarantee - You risk nothing, because if for any reason you don't feel comfortable continuing the training during this time, we will refund 100% of the training fee!

Learning platform

miniAccelerator training programs take place online and are available on a specially designed platform, where students have access to video materials, presentations, knowledge tests, and various additional resources to learn how to sell on Etsy in the best possible way.

Get answers to your questions

As part of the full Etsy miniAccelerator program, all participants have the opportunity to ask their questions to the course instructor for 8 weeks and also communicate with other course participants.

Receive a mentor assessment for your Etsy product & store

As part of the full Etsy miniAccelerator program, all participants who have met at least the minimum requirements for publishing a product and creating a store will receive feedback in a Zoom class on both the readiness of the product for sale and the Etsy store as a whole.

Get a certificate

At the end of the course, you will not only have acquired new knowledge and skills, but you will also receive a certificate from miniAkselerator for completing the course.

Apply to the program
Apply to the program

Course instructor - your mentor

Edith Klidzeja

Created 3 successful Etsy shops. The first shop has sold over 70,000 products since 2011, which is the largest sales volume in Latvia among Etsy shops. Edīte's experience and knowledge have allowed her to open several other successful Etsy shops and train over 1,000 new Etsy entrepreneurs in Latvia. Edīte's largest Etsy shop is called: LaserBeads. And Edīte, with her 10+ years of experience in the Etsy business, will help you succeed on this platform!

Partners with whom Etsy miniAccelerator was implemented

ā€Who is this course for?

For crafters and artisans, and entrepreneurs who want to sell their products on the platform.
For people who are not currently producing anything but are interested in finding their own niche to make money selling on Etsy.
For professionals who want to learn Etsy selling skills for professional development.

Etsy miniAccelerator program

The most suitable product sales strategy is a challenge that every manufacturer has faced. ETSY is an online trading platform that is successfully used by entrepreneurs in Latvia and around the world. To achieve success, it is important to understand and skillfully use the opportunities offered by the tool. Program participants will learn how to successfully launch an Etsy store - from identifying a niche, determining keywords to launching a product and promoting sales.

Lesson 1: ETSY Market Research, Product Evaluation and Niche Finding ā€“ Theory

In this lecture, you will learn how to find a product niche and assess the sales potential of a product on the Etsy platform. We will show you practical tools that you can then use independently.
You will receive: A specially prepared market research table. And access to miniAkselerator's paid accounts eRank and KeywordsEverywhere, which you will use for free during the course
ā€ The lecture

content includes:
šŸ“Etsy market research
šŸ“Product research and table creation
šŸ“Keywords and e-rank
šŸ“If eRank numbers are not encouraging
šŸ“Using keywords in the Etsy environment
šŸ“Product ranking

Lesson 2: ETSY market research, product evaluation and niche finding ā€“ practice

Here you will see a full market research demonstration, where you can, together with Edita, find your own product idea or evaluate an existing product from a market research perspective, in parallel with what is being shown.

Lesson 3: Advantages of Print on Demand products and platform differences ā€“ theory

Sometimes, instead of doing the manufacturing yourself, it is much smarter and more efficient to use other manufacturers to manufacture products with your product design. This approach is called Print On Demand. And since it is a significant business opportunity, we also cover this issue in the Etsy miniAccelerator.

The lecture content includes:
šŸ“Cash flow in POD platforms
šŸ“Printify environment, features and demo
šŸ“Product pricing on Etsy
šŸ“Printify mockup creation
šŸ“Etsy commissions and POD product pricing

Lesson 4: Opening an ETSY store and legal issues ā€“ theory and practice

A separate lecture and demonstration is planned for opening an Etsy store, because although the process is intuitive, there are various nuances that result in store blocking, etc. There are also nuances to unlocking a store after it has been blocked. We will tell you all about this in this lecture. And here you will also learn about the legal aspects of the Etsy business, because this issue should not be neglected when starting to earn income.

The lecture content includes:
šŸ“Legal issues and the VRS
šŸ“Opening an Etsy store
šŸ“Closing an Etsy store

Lesson 5: Creating and publishing POD products on an ETSY store ā€“ practice

In this lecture, we will go through a practical, step-by-step process of launching a Print On Demand product on the Etsy platform. Those Etsy entrepreneurs who already have their own product can safely skip this lecture. Although we recommend trying it out for experience purposes. But those who are interested in this business model with Etsy will have the opportunity to launch their first products.

The lecture content includes:
šŸ“Connecting Etsy with Printify
šŸ“Creating a Product Mockup
šŸ“Mockup creation demonstration
šŸ“Basics of layout for print on demand

Lesson 6: Rules for a successful ETSY store launch

This is one of the most extensive Etsy mini-Accelerator lectures, as this is the basis for creating a successful Etsy listing. Without the knowledge and application of the information from this lecture, it will be very difficult to get any sales on Etsy. But to make this content easier to perceive, we have divided it into 9 smaller, thematic videos.

The lecture content includes:
šŸ“Basic principles of the store - repetition
šŸ“Visual and informative content
šŸ“Product and its main components
šŸ“Demonstration of keywords
šŸ“Shipping price on Etsy
šŸ“Posting a product to the Etsy store
šŸ“Purchase - its shipping and cancellation
šŸ“Increasing the assortment of the Etsy store
šŸ“Accounting reports at the end of the month.

Lesson 7: Product photos, their preparation, style selection and online processing ā€“ theory and practice

In this lecture you will learn one of the most important aspects for success on Etsy - product photography. Because there is a saying that people on Etsy buy not products, but photos. There will also be a lecture on how you can do photo processing yourself online.

The lecture content includes:
šŸ“What is a competitive product on Etsy
šŸ“Typical beginner mistakes in photography
šŸ“Take photos yourself or trust a professional
šŸ“Types of photography, recommendations and ideas
šŸ“Online photo processing, demonstration

Lesson 8: Attracting an audience to your ETSY store - theoretical part

When a competitive product is created and placed on Etsy. When it appears in the search and is maximally attractive to the customer, then various approaches can be used to obtain sales with advertising and audience attraction from the outside. In this lesson, we focus on this.

The lecture content includes:
šŸ“What are Etsy Ads
šŸ“Creating Etsy Ads - preparing the product
šŸ“Risks when turning on Etsy Ads
šŸ“Etsy Ads statistics
šŸ“Etsy platform marketing tools
šŸ“Etsy store target audience
šŸ“Social networks and Etsy store
šŸ“Communication with a potential Etsy customer
šŸ“Communication with an existing customer in the Etsy store
šŸ“Communication with an existing customer in the Etsy store
šŸ“The importance of obtaining reviews on Etsy

Lesson 9: Attracting an audience to your ETSY store ā€“ practical part

In this lesson, you will see a summary of the previous theoretical part in the form of a demonstration, which you will be able to follow along with, while simultaneously using the techniques shown and launching an advertisement for your newly created product.

Lesson 10: ETSY Statistical Analysis for Advertising and Sales Promotion

Šī nodarbība ir paredzēta 10 nedēļas pēc Etsy miniAkseleratora sākumam. Un, jaThis lesson is scheduled 10 weeks after the start of the Etsy mini-Accelerator. And if you have completed all the action steps-homework, including running an ad, then at this point you should start making your first sales with your products.
This lecture is dedicated to helping you read Etsy statistics and make decisions to increase your sales.

The lecture content includes:
šŸ“Etsy statistics - why it is important
šŸ“Data analysis using PURCHASE statistics
šŸ“Data analysis using product SEARCH statistics
šŸ“Data analysis using Etsy ADVERTISING statistics
šŸ“Product customization based on Etsy statistics
šŸ“Conversion and purchase amount on Etsy - how to increase
šŸ“Google analytics on the Etsy platform
šŸ“Direct competitors on the Etsy platformā€

Lesson 11: Planning ETSY work for a sustainable business. Current issues.

The final lecture is about how to plan your work so that you can continue to make rapid progress even after graduating from the Etsy miniAccelerator.

The lecture content includes:
šŸ“Etsy's perpetual motion machine
šŸ“Time planning for Etsy
šŸ“German and French requirements for Etsy
šŸ“Etsy search ranking - product description

Etsy miniAccelerator price
(8 weeks of training from the moment you join)

Full program with mentoring - 12 months.

Full-time program with mentoring

The miniAkselerator program is an 8-week course with personal support from Etsy entrepreneur Edīte Klīdzeja and the miniAkselerator team, and access to video lectures. You will receive an individual store assessment, as well as 12 months of access to the materials. The program adapts to your schedule, and participants are provided with free access to Etsy's paid tools for a year.


30-day money-back guarantee - You have absolutely no risk, if for any reason you don't feel comfortable continuing the training, we will refund 100% of the training fee!

8-week course, with specific deadlines for your actions! (from the moment of joining)
Personal support via WhatsApp for 8 weeks
Feedback on your product during a Zoom group call
Your store evaluations during the closing Zoom group call
12 months access to materials and lectures
Participation in the Etsy entrepreneur mastermind group
State-recognized diploma upon successful graduation
Etsy Audit + Etsy Business Accelerator

Individual Program - 2 + 4 months for working Etsy businesses
*Available only after purchasing an Audit

Working with you for 2 + 4 months, providing hands-on support and mentoring. We will improve products, create new ones, optimize the store structure and implement effective advertising strategies based on Etsy best practices. This offer is not for everyone - only for companies that already have a working business and meet certain criteria. We invite you to join this program individually after a store audit.

Apply for an Etsy store audit
Everything in the Full Membership Program, plus:
Lifetime access to current and future Etsy miniAccelerator
Optimization of existing store and products to increase competitiveness, in line with Etsy business best practices
Identifying and launching new product niches with you
Advertising campaign optimization
Your individual training, and implementation of Etsy's business best practices system in your company.
pilna programma ar mentorēŔanu
ā€/month, for 3 months

Full membership program

The miniAkselerator program is an 8-week course with personal support from Etsy entrepreneur Edīte Klīdzeja and the miniAkselerator team, and access to video lectures. You will receive an individual store assessment, as well as 12 months of access to the materials. The program adapts to your schedule, and participants are provided with free access to Etsy's paid tools for a year.


30-day money-back guarantee - You have absolutely no risk, if for any reason you don't feel comfortable continuing the training, we will refund 100% of the training fee!

8-week course, with specific deadlines for your actions! (from the moment of joining)
Personal support via WhatsApp for 8 weeks
Feedback on your product during a Zoom group call
Your store evaluations during the closing Zoom group call
12 months access to materials and lectures
Participation in the Etsy entrepreneur mastermind group
Latvian State-recognized diploma upon successful graduation

3 Extra Bonuses

BONUS #1: Free access to Etsy's paid tools for 12 months ($410 value)

Course participants get 12 months of free access to three of the most popular Etsy seller tools ā€“ Everbee , Keywords Everywhere , and Erank . These tools will help you successfully analyze niches, keywords, competitors, and optimize your store. If you purchase these tools yourself, it will cost $410, which is a total savings!

BONUS #2: Opportunity to claim expenses for education tax deduction

As miniAkselerators is a state-accredited educational institution, course participants can submit tuition expenses for tax deductions. This means that individuals can recover a portion of the course fee, making participation in the program even more affordable and accessible.

BONUS #3: attend miniAkcelerator masterclasses for free for a year (worth ā‚¬450)

Course participants get access to miniAkselerator masterclasses for 12 months at no additional cost , which cover the latest news on the Etsy platform, as well as the most current business models. When purchased separately, each masterclass costs ā‚¬29.99


Frequently asked questions

How strong does English need to be to start?

The short answer: The product and its ability to compete are more important, your English skills are subordinate to that. Good English skills will be of great help to you, but you can also cope with poor English skills using google-translate or ā€œthe help of a friendā€.

The longer answer is:
It is clear that the better your English skills, the easier it will be to sell products abroad. But EdÄ«te KlÄ«dzēja, your lecturer, and many Latvian Etsy entrepreneurs have started selling on the platform with almost no English skills, using dictionaries to answer customersā€™ letters. And in the process, they have gradually mastered the most important words and phrases.

You can also start with poor English skills, but you need to find a solution (google-translate or ā€œfriendā€) so that you can: Perform searches with English keywords on Etsy, for market research purposes; Be able to understand what competitors write in product names; Be able to find the right keywords and understand their meaning; Create product names and descriptions using the keywords you find

How long will I have access to the learning materials?

The total time for which the learning materials will be available is 6 months.
The full course of the Etsy miniAccelerator program itself lasts 8 weeks, during which you will be able to ask questions to the lecturer, participate in Zoom calls, and watch video lectures. But after graduating from the miniAccelerator, you will have an additional 4 months to continue watching video lectures, which makes a total of 6 months.

What if I buy training but change my mind?

For this purpose, we have created a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee, which means that for 15 days from the start of the training you can participate in the course, use all the materials, ask the lecturer questions, watch the lectures, but on the 30th day you realize that Etsy is not for you after all. In such circumstances, you write to that you have changed your mind and we will return your money to you without questions :)

How do I know if my products will be bought on Etsy?

You can know/deduce this after market research. In the first lectures, we will show you and give you the tools to conduct market research, how to understand what you are looking for and how to draw conclusions. As a result, within 1-2 weeks you will be able to understand whether and what the potential is that your product will be bought on Etsy.

What if I have other questions that aren't answered here?

Then write to or write to whatsapp/call +37128632492
We will be happy to answer šŸ˜‰

Contact us

Phone number
+371 28 632 492