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Start selling products on Amazon  

🔥Amazon business development program, that will teach and mentor you through a product-launch on Amazon in 3 - 6 months! Choose a program: self learning program for small businesses, where you can learn and do things independently, or hands on Amazon Business Accelerator program for manufacturers and distributors, where we launch Amazon campaigns together with you. materials available for 12 months , 24/7🤩

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Apmācību dalībnieki iegūs

Zināšanas no Latvijas TOP Amazon profesionāļa ar vairāk kā 5 gadu pieredzi Amazon biznesā
20h kopējo video lekciju materiālu no biznesa modeļa un nišas noteikšanas līdz sava produkta reklāmai
Iespēju uzdot jautājumus lektoram 10 nedēļu garumā un prezentēt savu produktu divās Zoom tikšanās reizēs
Bezmaksas pieeju maksas rīka Helium10 lietošanai 2 mēnešus
Dalību savstarpēji atbalstošā Amazon cīņubiedru čata grupā

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Amazon miniAccelerator offers

Apmācību cena no 600€
Speciāli izveidota mācību platforma
Iespēja komunicēt ar Jūsu mentoru
Participation fee 600€ - 4800€

30-day money-back guarantee - You risk nothing, because if for any reason you don't feel comfortable continuing the program during this time, we will refund 100% of the training fee!

Learning platform

The miniAccelerator training program takes place online and is available on a specially designed platform, where students have access to 20 hours of video materials, 10 lecture presentations, and various additional resources, such as access to a Helium10 account for market research and others, so that they can learn business on the Amazon platform as best as possible.

Get answers to your questions

All participants in the Full and Amazon Business Accelerator programs have the opportunity to ask their questions to the course instructor and also communicate with other course participants during the 8-week program.

You will receive a mentor's assessment for your chosen Amazon product and ad

As part of the Full and Amazon Business Accelerator programs, all participants who have completed at least the minimum homework requirements will receive feedback in a Zoom class on the potential of their chosen niche and product.

Get a certificate

At the end of the course, you will not only have acquired new knowledge and skills, but you will also receive a certificate from miniAkselerator for completing the course.

Apply for training
Apply for training

Course instructor

Aivis Velkeris

He has been working in e-commerce since 2016, starting with using the eBay platform in his business, but over the past 5 years he has been focusing specifically on the platform, implementing arbitrage, wholesale and private label business models on the US and European Amazon platforms. Aivis works in the Amazon business both as an entrepreneur with his US-based company, working with more than 300 different products in the wholesale model, and as a professional representing other companies' products, working with 5 products in the private-label model.
And Aivis, with his experience in the Amazon business, will help you succeed on this platform!

Partners with whom Amazon miniAccelerator has been implemented

Who is this course for?

Primarily intended for companies that want to conquer the Amazon market in America and/or Europe with their existing product range.
For entrepreneurs who are willing to invest at least €5,000 to launch a new product on Amazon.
For professionals who want to learn Amazon marketing skills for professional development and career advancement

Amazon miniAccelerator Program

Amazon is the world's largest e-commerce platform, providing more than $500 billion in sales to platform companies annually. It gives companies more opportunity to earn than any other platform in the world. But the great potential comes with more competition and greater investment to conquer their place on Amazon.

As part of the program, participants will learn and practice knowledge about launching products on the Amazon platform - from identifying a niche, researching competitors to launching a product, advertising. The training content consists of 10 video lectures, 2 Zoom calls, self-tests to consolidate knowledge and homework, which together provide understanding and lead step by step to the first sale on Amazon.

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Amazon platform

In the first lesson, you will gain insight into the Amazon business. You will understand the potential of Amazon and learn about the different business models that the Amazon platform offers you to implement, you will understand how each of them differs in terms of financial investment, complexity and other aspects.
The purpose of this lecture: You will get an idea of ​​​​the target countries and business models that could be suitable for your case.

The lecture content includes:
✅Amazon history
✅Amazon potential
✅Selling your own products
✅Amazon handmade
✅Amazon dropshipping
✅Merch by Amazon
✅Retail arbitrage
✅Online arbitrage
✅Wholesale model
✅Kindle Publishing
✅There is a desire to sell, but there is no product

Lesson 2: Arbitrage Business Models - Online and Retail

In this lesson you will learn what an arbitrage business model is and how to implement it. Including practical work, you will have the opportunity to test your skills in finding an arbitrage product.

The lecture
content includes:
✅What is Retail Arbitrage
✅Retail arbitrage in practice
✅Amazon Buy Box
✅Principles of evaluating a good product
✅Trading in dangerous goods
✅Online arbitrage
✅Finding a product
✅Online arbitrage store development plan

Lesson 3: The wholesale model and its implementation in the Amazon environment

In this lesson you will learn what a wholesale business model is in the context of Amazon, how to start and implement it. The lecturer successfully operated with this business model on the US Amazon platform and will also share his experience in this lecture.

The lecture content includes:
✅Wholesale model
✅Finding a good product
✅Evaluating a good product
✅Trading dangerous goods
✅Strategic trading partners
✅Development of a wholesale model
✅Aspects of a wholesale model

Lesson 4: Private label business model on Amazon

Here you will learn about the most profitable business model on Amazon - private label, which is the sale of your own or specially produced product on the platform.

The lecture content includes:
✅Private label and its operation
✅The path from market research to selling a product on Amazon
✅Market research
✅Creating a logistics chain, marketing strategy, starting sales
✅KPIs for private label business
✅Private label model development plan
✅Amazon aggregators, their importance in business

Lesson 5: Amazon Market Research and Software to Conduct It

This is the cornerstone of your success in your Amazon business - market research. If you skip this point or do it improperly, then you might as well bet your money on the number 15 in roulette. Market research will allow you to find a niche where you can compete and make great profits, and will allow you to avoid bad niches where you will only lose money.
The goal of this lecture: for you to gain knowledge and skills to conduct market research and make an informed decision about entering a specific niche.
In this lecture you will get access to the miniAkselerator Helium10 tool for free, which would cost you 99€/month.

The lecture content includes:
✅Amazon market research theory
✅Helium10 working groups
✅Helium10 Blackbox sub-tools
✅Helium functionality in Cerebro
✅Data export and data processing

Lesson 6: Registering and Managing an Amazon Seller Account

Once you have chosen a business model, conducted market research and found a niche that is worth entering, it is time to register an Amazon account in Amazon Seller Central.
This is one of the trickiest steps, because during registration your goal is to have the Amazon robot automatically approve your application, if this fails, then the registration process can take months.
Therefore, in this lecture you will learn about the details and small nuances that must be followed to maximize the opportunity to register an account quickly and easily.

The lecture content includes:
✅Choosing a suitable sales plan
✅Legal side of Amazon
✅Registration in Europe and the USA
✅Registration info fields
✅Becoming an Amazon Handmade member
✅Managing an Amazon account
✅The importance of VAT when selling a product on Amazon

Lesson 7: Amazon Algorithm. Creating a Competitive Ad

After market research, this lecture is the second cornerstone of your success on Amazon. Once you have found a niche in which you can compete and make great money, your task is to create a competitive ad that will appear in Amazon organic search.
And this entire lesson is about this issue.

The lecture content includes:
✅What a successful product should be like
✅What a competitive product looks like
✅Keyword indexing and Honeymoon
✅Creating a competitive ad
✅Amazon keyword masterlist
✅Product title, bulletpoints and their meaning
✅Helium10 tool Scribbles
✅Ad images - buyer psychology
✅Creating ad variations
✅Second part of the coursework

Lesson 8: Amazon FBA. Providing a Unique Buyer Experience

FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon, or in Latvian, Amazon's logistics service, which is used by Amazon sellers to provide super-fast deliveries to customers, which Amazon customers count on. This lecture is dedicated to this Amazon service and how to use it.

The lecture content includes:
✅Advantages and disadvantages of Amazon FBA
✅What is needed to start Amazon FBA
✅Amazon FBA in America and Europe
✅Amazon FBA commissions
✅FBA product labeling and shipping
✅Shipping to Amazon warehouse
✅Customer experience and Amazon support

Lesson 9: Advertising opportunities on the platform. Attracting buyers outside of Amazon

In this lecture you will learn how to advertise on Amazon, what advertising strategies to use to find a middle ground between organic purchases and sponsored ones, maximizing profits.

The lecture content includes:
✅Promotion options on the Amazon platform
✅Advertising campaigns on the Amazon platform
✅Sponsored products campaigns
✅Bidding Strategy
✅Campaign launch in practice
✅Product reviews
✅Search, Find, Buy Campaign
✅Amazon affiliates working principle
✅Other marketing methods
✅Case Study on the Italian Amazon market

Lesson 10: Amazon Brand Registry. The Importance of Branding in Amazon Business

To protect your Amazon product listing from competition, Amazon offers to register your company's trademark on the platform, prohibiting others from selling your product. This approach also opens up new functionality for Amazon, which will significantly help you compete. You will learn about this important strategy in this lecture.

The lecture content includes:
✅What is Brand Registry
✅Brand registration
✅A content functionality
✅Amazon experiments
✅A+ Content in video ads
✅Sponsored brands
✅Amazon attribution and Brand referral bonus
✅Sponsored display
✅Brand and product protection
✅Amazon brand analytics

Feedback about your Amazon Product and Launch strategy

At the end of the course, participants who take the Full Course will have the opportunity to receive feedback on their strategy and published product ad from the lecturer in a Zoom group call.

Amazon miniAccelerator Price (from training to launching an Amazon business with us)

Self-learning program

Self-learning program

The self-study program means that you will only have access to video lecture material without personal assistance from us, directly from Aivys Veļķērs, who has been successfully operating in e-commerce for 6 years. You will be able to watch Aivys' video lectures at your own pace for 4 months, following the steps of the program.


30-day money-back guarantee - You have absolutely no risk, if for any reason you don't feel comfortable continuing the training, we will refund 100% of the training fee!

4 months access to Amazon miniAccelerator content
10 lessons including 84 thematic videos
Access to the training platform for 4 months
Opportunity to use miniAkcelerator's Helium10 account for free for 2 months
Certificate upon successful completion of the course
Training + Mentoring

Training program with mentoring  

This program is designed for people who want to learn 90% and do it themselves, but also receive our support in the form of consultations, answering your questions in writing for 8 weeks and evaluating both your chosen Amazon product and your strategy in two Zoom calls as part of the program.


15-day money-back guarantee - You have absolutely no risk, if for any reason you don't feel comfortable continuing the training, we will refund 100% of the training fee!

Everything in the Self-Study Program, plus:
6 months access to Amazon miniAccelerator content
Receive help in the form of questions and answers from a lecturer for 8 weeks
Get feedback on your Amazon product's market research and potential
Membership in the closed group of Amazon miniAccelerator members
At the end of the course, receive feedback from the lecturer about your Amazon product in a group call
Amazon Business Accelerator with us

Amazon Product Launch with Us + Training

In this program, we will launch the first product with you, implement Amazon business processes and train your employees to take this business and continue. From presenting you with in-depth market research to creating an ad, planning logistics and launching advertising campaigns. The program lasts 6 months.


Before applying for this program, please come to us for a consultation, where we can listen to your needs, plans, and assess the potential of your product on Amazon. And only after you and we see that your products are worth launching on Amazon, will we offer to join the Amazon Business Accelerator.

Everything in the Full Membership Program, plus:
Life-time access to current and future Amazon miniAccelerator content
In-depth market research and presentation for you to find the most profitable product and market for your business on Amazon
Creating and executing your product launch strategy from Amazon account registration to sales optimization.
Setting up and running advertising campaigns on Amazon
Training your employees to take over the Amazon selling system we created.
Pašmācības piedāvājums
/mēnesī, 3 mēnešu garumā

Pašmācības programma

Pašmācības programma nozīmē, ka Jums būs pieejamas tikai video lekciju materiālam bez personīgas palīdzības no Amazon uzņēmēja, Jūsu lektora Aivja Veļķera, kas veiksmīgi e-komercijā darbojas jau 6 gadus. Aivja video lekcijas varēsiet skatīties savā ritmā 4 mēnešus, sekojot programmas soļiem.


15 dienu naudas atgriešanas garantija - Jūs pilnībā neriskējat, ja kādu iemeslu dēļ nejutīsities komfortabli turpināt apmācības, atgriezīsim 100% apmācību maksu!

4 mēnešu piekļuve Amazon miniAkseleratora saturam
10 nodarbības, kas iekļauj 84 tematiskus video
Pieeja apmācību platformai 4 mēnešus
Iespēja izmantot miniAkseleratora Helium10 kontu bezmaksas 2 mēnešus
Apliecība pēc sekmīgas kursa pabeigšanas
Pilna programma ar mentorēšana
/mēnesī, 3 mēnešu garumā

Pilnas dalības programma ar 10 nedēļu mentorēšanu

Šī programma ir paredzēta cilvēkiem, kas vēlas saņemt arī uzņēmēja Aivja Veļķera atblastu, atbildot uz Jūsu jautājumiem 8 nedēļu garumā un novērtēt gan Jūsu izvēlēto Amazon produktu, gan Jūsu stratēģiju divos kopējos grupas zvanos programmas ietvaros.


15 dienu naudas atgriešanas garantija - Jūs pilnībā neriskējat, ja kādu iemeslu dēļ nejutīsities komfortabli turpināt apmācības, atgriezīsim 100% apmācību maksu!

Viss, kas Pašmācības programmā, plus:
6 mēnešu piekļuve Amazon miniAkseleratora saturam
Saņemt palīdzību jautājumu-atbilžu veidā no lektora 8 nedēļu garumā
Saņemt atsauksmi par Jūsu Amazon produkta tirgus izpēti un potenciālu
Dalība Amazon miniAkseleratora dalībnieku slēgtajā grupā
Kursa noslēgumā saņemt atsauksmi no lektora par Jūsu Amazon produktu grupas zvanā
Amazon BiznesA AKSELERATORS kopā ar mums

Amazon Produktu palaišana kopā ar mums + apmācība

Šajā programmā mēs palaidīsim pirmo produktu kopā ar Jums, ieviesīsim Amazon biznesa procesus un apmācīsim Jūsu darbiniekus pārņemt šo biznesu un turpināt. No dziļas tirgus izpētes prezentēšanai Jums līdz sludinājuma izveidei, loģistikas plānošanai un reklāmas kampaņu palaišanai. Programma notiek 6 mēnešus.

Pieteikties uz konsultāciju

Pirms pieteikties uz šo programmu, lūdzu, atnāciet pie mums uz konsultāciju, kur varam uzklausīt Jūsu vajadzības, plānus un izvērtēt Jūsu produkta Amazon potenciālu. Un tikai pēc tā, kad Jūs un mēs redzēsim, ka Jūsu produktus ir vērts palaist Amazon, piedāvāsim pievienoties Amazon Biznesa Akseleratorā.

Viss, kas Pilnas dalības programmā, plus:
Life-time pieeja jeb neierobežota piekļuve pašreizējam un arī turpmākajam Amazon miniAkseleratora saturam
Individuāls Amazon produkta/veikala audits 1 stundas konsultācijas veidā, kad būsiet palaiduši savu produktu tirdzniecībā (12 mēnešu periodā)
Saņemt palīdzību jautājumu-atbilžu veidā no lektora 16 nedēļu garumā

Frequently asked questions

How long will I have access to the learning materials?

Access to materials is 6 months by default, but may vary depending on the training program you choose. For example, the Business program has unlimited access to materials. While the Full program has 6 months of access to the program and the Self-Study program has 4 months, respectively.

How is Amazon different from Etsy?

Amazon is like Rimi and Maxima, while Etsy is like Kalnciema tirdziņš. Amazon has a higher sales and profit potential than Etsy, but usually requires a minimum capital of €5,000 to compete, but this can vary from niche to niche, so the first, most important step is to conduct market research to assess Amazon's profit potential for the chosen product.

To see the comparison in numbers, Amazon is the largest e-commerce platform in the world, reaching $500 billion in annual sales, while Etsy's annual sales are around $2.5 billion. Etsy people come to buy specific products that are sold in small quantities, while Amazon is essentially a supermarket.

What if I buy a program but change my mind?

For this purpose, we have created a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee, which means that for 30 days from the start of the training you can participate in the course, use all the materials, ask the lecturer questions, watch the lectures, but within 30 days you may realize that Amazon is not for you. In such circumstances, you write to that you have changed your mind and we will refund your money without questions :)

Contact us

Phone number
+371 28 632 492